13 April, 2012

New beginnings

I'm not so keen on all the changes in Blogger, but the reality is that I have to learn how to live with them and use them if I want to keep posting in my home blogs.
Hence, this is my experimental change.

My Goals

  1. Change the template
    to the way I like it and to see if I can reproduce a version of templates that might suit my other blogs.
  2. Experiment with a few of the extras my classic blogs don't have.
This is where I am with this first post

OK. That will do for now. Let me begin.


  1. I added the new blog. ü
  2. To that, I added a picture (the one above). I'm now going to 'fiddle' with the html and get it to be the way I like my pictures to be in blogger.ü

What I've learned so far today

  1. The first way I get the tick symbol (ü) is by adding this code which is a picture: <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhV83IgEspXgp2VbCHiEW4LWUJox1pxehrrHPUaQieExYueOtut3XhSHpq1yVzG-Kd9sj3M8lvLeOdQ53Ozi5ljSGnzCPaXGC9ypp7w3ueYKeBRXgTzC0DxKoxfnoOK8xy2b4Iao6urClfz/s1600-h/tick2.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5035432702739704946" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhV83IgEspXgp2VbCHiEW4LWUJox1pxehrrHPUaQieExYueOtut3XhSHpq1yVzG-Kd9sj3M8lvLeOdQ53Ozi5ljSGnzCPaXGC9ypp7w3ueYKeBRXgTzC0DxKoxfnoOK8xy2b4Iao6urClfz/s320/tick2.jpg" /></a>
  2. The second way is adding this code for ü in wingdings font: <span style="font-family: wingdings; font-size: 200%;">&#252;</span>
  3. The tick symbol comes up as an umlaut u on a mobile device like my iPhone. Ah well.


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